Rose care advice for the spring season

Roses are incredibly beautiful and rewarding plants to grow. When properly maintained, they will produce an abundant amount of blooms year after year. Of course, this means that you need to follow the appropriate rose care tips to ensure that your plants thrive.

Remove winter protection

It’s important to protect your roses over the winter. However, as soon as temperatures rise, this protective layer should be removed. Clean away any debris or leaves while you’re at it.


When it comes to rose care, pruning is not always needed. Not all roses require pruning so make sure that you know what type of roses you have and whether or not they should be pruned. If you plan on pruning, now is the time to do so. By pruning before the leaf buds open, you can be sure that the plant will put that much more energy into new growth.


Just like other plants, rose care includes providing the plant with the appropriate nutrients. After pruning, you can apply a suitable fertilizer to encourage growth. There are a number of fertilizers designed for roses. If you are not able to find one, you can always use an all-purpose fertilizer. Slow-release fertilizers are great because you don’t need to apply them as often.

Disease prevention

Roses are by no means immune to disease but there are steps you can take to keep them at bay. By spraying your plants in the spring, Lime sulfur is a good option for spraying your roses in spring. It will kill off fungal spores that may have resisted over the winter. Horticultural oil can also help smother larva and insect eggs.

By following these basic rose care tips, you can be sure that your plant will continue to grow, thrive and bloom throughout the warmer months. You will have that many more blooms to pick and enjoy in your home too!