Why not throw wilted flowers away

When you order fresh flowers from your florist, you can expect them to arrive in perfect shape. Fresh, bright, and beautiful, you will need to tend to your cut bouquet to help them last. Of course, no matter how well you care for your cut flowers, they will eventually start to wilt. When this happens, you might be inclined to throw them away. Before you do, consider these great uses for wilting blooms.

Potpourri is the top way to use dried flowers. The key is to remove your wilting blooms from the vase and let them dry out completely before making potpourri. If you use partially dried plant material, it could turn mouldy in a hurry. When drying the flowers out, make sure that you spread them out and place them in a dry spot where they won’t be affected by high levels of humidity. Once dry, apply your essential oils and enjoy!

Flowers can also be pressed once they start to show signs of wilting. You need to keep a very close eye on your bouquet if you plan on pressing flowers. As soon as they start to look like they are starting to wilt, remove them, trim the stems and place in your flower press. These flowers can then be used for various crafts and décor.

Hydrosols are another great use for wilting flowers. Rose water is one of the most popular of all. You can use rose water in may different ways around the home and as part of your beauty routine. Just make sure that you always use flowers that are not treated with harmful chemicals.

Finally, if your flowers cannot be used in any of these ways, you could always add them to your compost heap at home. Having your own compost heap is great as a natural source of nutrition for your plants. It’s also a lot cheaper than having to buy compost!