Making Your Own Plant Stand

Adding potted plants to your home is a great way of improving your décor and plants also help purify the air. Of course, we don’t always have enough table space on which to place our favourite plants which is a shame because they can easily end up on the floor or in a less than perfect location. Here are a couple of plant stand ideas that you can make yourself.

Tomato Cage Stand

You need:

  • A new or used tomato cage
  • Bolt cutters that are strong enough to cut the cage
  • Spray paint (colour of your choice)
  • Potted plant


  • Cut off the ground-end prongs. These are the protruding metal spikes that you stick into the ground. The cuts you make need to be clean since this part of the stand will be clearly visible.
  • Use your spray paint to add the colour of your choice to the cage. Make sure that you do so outside where there is plenty of ventilation. Allow to dry outside before bringing back in to complete the design. If you apply a white base coat first, it will yield much better results.
  • The paint can take up to two hours to dry but, just to play it safe, you might want to let the stand dry overnight.
  • When you are ready, flip the stand over so that the widest part is on the floor.
  • Place your plant on top and enjoy!

Wooden Crate Plant Stand

You need:

  • Wood crates of your choice. Make sure that they can balance well on their sides and that they can be stacked.
  • Primer and paint in the colour of your choice.
  • Hammer
  • Nails that are long enough to secure the crates together.
  • Plants of your choice


  • Choose a colour for your crates and prepare by applying primer first. Once the primer is done, you can apply the colour.
  • Allow to dry completely before you proceed.
  • Stack the crates as you like. Depending on the sizes of your crates, you can place one on top of the other with a third crate to the left or right. Play around with different options before deciding.
  • Use your hammer and nails to nail the crates to one another.
  • Place your plants on top of your crates.
  • Since the open top side of the crate will be facing outwards, you can use this space to display books, photos and other similar items. If you plan on placing plants inside the shelving, make sure that they can survive with less light than the plants above.

These are quick and easy DIY stands that anyone can make within minutes. The most time-consuming part is waiting for the paint to dry but, other than this, it really is not a long process at all.