Fresh flowers to make your salad even better

Have you ever made a salad and wondered what you could do to make it look at taste better? Well, fresh flowers will help you do just that! By combining the right flowers with the freshest salad ingredients, you will have a dish that you will love down to the last bite. Here’s an easy recipe to follow.

What you need

  • Approximately 50 fresh, edible fresh flowers (violas are great)
  • 5 ½ oz baby salad greens (approximately 12 cups)
  • 1 tsp red-wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Coarse salt


  • To begin, you want to make your dressing. Remember, like all salad dressings, the flavours are supposed to be balanced and they should enhance the taste of the rest of the ingredients.
  • In a bowl, combine the mustard and vinegar.
  • Gradually whisk in the oil to ensure that it mixes well. If you plan on making the dressing ahead of time, you will need to mix it again before adding to the salad.
  • Season with salt and pepper according to your preferences.
  • Wash your greens and fresh flowers thoroughly.
  • Toss the greens and flowers lightly in the dressing and serve.

The key is to make this salad and serve it right away for maximum flavour and freshness. If you allow the dressing to set on the fresh flowers and greens for too long, it will cause them to lose their crunch and they will not look as appealing either. To keep your flowers and greens nice and crisp, remember to keep them chilled in your refrigerator. The lower temperature and humidity in your fridge will help keep them from wilting. Serve as a starter or side item along with your favourite cut of meat. This is the perfect way to kick start any new eating plan or impress your guests no matter the occasion.