Floral simple syrup recipe

Syrup has so many wonderful uses in the kitchen and simple syrup is really easy to make with just a few basic ingredients. You can even make delicious floral simple syrup by adding various fresh flower petals to the mix. Here is an easy recipe for you to follow and adjust based on your preferences.

You need:

  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar (for thicker syrup, double up on the sugar)
  • Fresh flower petals (see quantities in the instructions below)


  • Add the water to a saucepan and heat over medium-low.
  • Add the sugar and stir well until dissolved.
  • Allow the mixture to simmer and then remove from the heat.
  • Add fresh flower petals to make your favourite floral simple syrup. You will need to add one cup of tulip, carnation or pansy petals. If you want to use rose petals, you’ll need two cups. Add three cups of lavender or one and a half cups of orchid petals.
  • Allow the syrup to cool down before you strain to remove the flower petals and transfer into a jar.
  • Label your jar and make sure you write the date on the label too. You can store your floral simple syrup in the fridge for up to two months.

You can use different syrups in various recipes. It is a good idea to plan the recipes you want to try before making your floral simple syrup. This way, you know for sure that you will be putting it to good use while it is still fresh. Rose syrup can be used to make a delicious gimlet with gin and lime. You can even add carnation syrup to your mojito for a floral twist. If you love martinis, try adding some orichid syrup and top with a sprig of thyme. There are so many amazing variations of traditional cocktail recipes. There are even new combinations invented regularly. You could even invent your own unique cocktail!