Creating a rose and lily bouquet

Lilies and roses make a fabulous pair. Their scents, colours, and textures compliment one another beautifully. Making your own rose and lily bouquet need not be a chore. Here are some easy steps to follow.

You need:

  • 5 large roses
  • 4 lily stems
  • 3 gerbera daisies
  • 3 chrysanthemums
  • 5 palm leaves
  • Hard ruscus


  • Lilies are known for making a bit of a mess when their pollen falls. For this reason, if any of your lilies are open, you should start by removing the stamens.
  • Remove all thorns from your roses as well as any leaves that will end up below the water level of the vase.
  • Place one lily and some ruscus together to create the focal point for the bouquet.
  • Add roses around the flower and foliage and space them evenly apart.
  • Add three sections of chrysanthemums and space them apart equally.
  • Continue adding filler flowers and foliage in between around the bouquet.
  • While adding the filler plant material, you can add your gerberas too.
  • Now add more lilies and finish off with the palm leaves.
  • If you are presenting the bouquet as a gift, you will need to secure the stems with a rubber band, string, or tape. You may want to wrap them up using some decorative paper too.
  • If the bouquet is for yourself, you can place it in a vase and enjoy!