Apology flowers – say sorry with sincerity

Nobody’s perfect and we all make mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes can result in hurt feelings or worse. Since we don’t want to lose the ones we love, it’s important to say sorry at the right time. Don’t let too much time pass before you send a bouquet of apology flowers. Not sure which ones to choose? Here are some of the top options.


if you want to send apology flowers to your significant other, roses are the way to go. While red roses are a romantic gesture, pink ones are best for saying sorry. Roses are elegant, they have a gentle sweet scent and they need not be paired with any other blooms.


White orchids are a great choice if you want to apologize to a family member or close friend. These apology flowers can be sent as cut stems or you can send a potted plant if you prefer. If you have had an argument with a loved one, these blooms will let them know how truly sorry you are.


When apologizing to a close friend for not being able to meet up or cancelling too many times, send a bouquet of pink carnations. This will let them know that you are truly sorry and you want to work to repair your relationship.


Blue hyacinths are great apology flowers for family members and close friends. If you’ve had a fight with a close friend or maybe said some hurtful things to a relative, these blooms will help you make peace with them.


These blooms are the symbol of renewal which makes them excellent for apologizing to family members and friends. Make amends by sending a bouquet of tulips and you can be sure that your relationship will be on the right track again in no time.

Remember when you send apology flowers, you need to consider the type of blooms you are sending as well as their colour. The best colours to say sorry are white, yellow, pink and blue. So, when selecting carnations, for example, you should go with white or pink. If you are in doubt, you can always look up the specific meaning of each flower and the corresponding colour.