What Can You Use Lavender For?

Lavender is probably not the kind of flower that you would order from your florist but certainly is the kind that you want in your home.  It is one of the most popular garden plants and this can largely be attributed to its many household uses.  The next time you are shopping around for flowers to send to a friend, perhaps you should consider sending them a small lavender bush to plant in their garden.  If you grow Lavender in your own garden, you can ‘share them with your friends and family too.

The smell of Lavender is known for its relaxing qualities and is great for calming the nerves.  Crush just a few flowers between your fingers and inhale the scent slowly.  It is believed that the combination of slow breathing and the smell of Lavender will help ease your anxiety.  Another way of benefiting from their rich perfume is by adding Lavender oil or a handful of the flowers to your bath.  Take a long soak in the tub and, as the hot water relaxes your muscles, the aroma will relax your mind.  Turning the lights off and using candles instead will create an even more calming environment.

Lavender Flowers And Fields

If you are suffering from anxiety, difficulty sleeping or even tummy troubles, Lavender is a popular solution.  Just one tablespoon of Lavender added to six cups of boiling water will yield a beneficial tea.  Just like any other tea, you will need to let it stand for 10 minutes to steep before you enjoy a cup.  It is best consumed before bed time to help you rest easy.  Another way of using Lavender to help you sleep is by adding a few drops of Lavender oil to your pillow case.  Alternatively, you can place a few of the flowers in a bag made from a breathable fabric like cheesecloth.  Place the bag inside your pillowcase if you prefer it to the oil.

Another popular use for Lavender is to keep clothing smelling fresh and as an insect repellent.  Lavender is a fantastic natural way of keeping moths from making your favourite shirt their next meal and, because it is a natural solution, you won’t have to subject yourself to potentially dangerous chemicals.  Lavender also has a longer lasting scent which means that it will prove even more effective than chemical varieties and, if you grow your own, it will certainly save you a bucket load of money over time.

In terms of hair care, you have probably heard of people using beer or egg for various reasons.  However, did you know that Lavender can be used to treat dandruff?  Instead of using potentially harsh, expensive and ineffective dandruff shampoos on your already delicate scalp, try Lavender.  Make Lavender tea as described in the method above and let it steep for 10 minutes as usual.  Once the tea has cooled down, pour it on your scalp, massage and rinse.  Not only is this a great natural solution for your dry scalp but it will also leave your hair smelling beautiful.

An interesting use for Lavender is as a way of keeping bad breath under control.  Depending on the severity, simply chew on one or two fresh Lavender flowers.  Do this periodically to keep the problem under control.

With so many practical uses for this lovely flower, it’s no wonder so many people grow them in their own gardens.  Not only is it a useful plant but the flowers add a great deal of colour to your garden as well.