Tips to take care of your Christmas tree

While some families wait until a few days before Christmas to buy and decorate their tree, others prefer to buy theirs in the beginning of December. Decorating your Christmas tree is a fun affair but it also require time and effort. Which is why so many people like to decorate early and make the most of the season. If you want to keep your Christmas tree fresh, here are some care tips.

Trimming the trunk

If your tree comes wrapped up, it’s best to keep the wrapping on until you have had a chance to trim the trunk. It’s usually a good idea to cut off about half an inch of the trunk. Make sure that you cut straight and not at an angle as you would fresh flowers.

Selecting the right stand

It’s important to choose the right stand if you want to prolong the life of your tree. It must be the right size and it must include a bucket so that you can water and nourish your tree. This is quite similar to the way we care for fresh cut flowers. When choosing a tree, you should either take the stand along with you or at least make sure that the tree you choose is the appropriate size for the stand. If you prefer, you can buy a new stand for your new tree.

Regular watering

As previously mentioned, it’s important that your stand has a reservoir. Like cut flowers, your Christmas tree is a living plant and it needs water. The water level in the reservoir should be just above the base of the trunk at all times. When the water level gets low, it should be topped up to prevent dehydration.

Add sugar

Once again, just like fresh flowers, your Christmas tree can benefit from some food. Keep your Christmas tree happy by adding some sugar to the water. Make sure that you dissolve some sugar in warm water before adding it to the water reservoir. If you prefer, you can even purchase a special product designed for maintaining Christmas trees. It’s much like the flower preserve you get when you receive a flower delivery.

Choose the right spot

Your tree might look good in a certain corner but, keep in mind that the conditions may not be ideal. There are certain conditions that can shorten the lifespan of the tree. Heat from a fireplace or radiator can cause the tree to dry out faster. A spark from a fire can also cause a dry tree to go up in flames which is obviously something everyone wants to prevent. So, keep away from sources of heat.

Finally, don’t forget to inspect your Christmas tree thoroughly before you buy it. If you pound the tree trunk down on the ground and a large number of pine needles fall, this tree is already quite dry and you should look for another one.