Tips to care for potted daffodils

When you bring a potted plant into your home, it’s important to understand the needs of that individual plant. Different types of plants require varying amounts of light, water, and humidity. By understanding the needs of the plant, you can then fulfill these needs and this will ensure that the plant grows to its fullest potential. Potted daffodils are no exception and by following these care tips, you too will enjoy amazing blooms.

Sun and temperature

If the plant is still quite young, you will need to place it in a room that is dimly lit with a temperature of about 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. When you notice the growing shoots are green, you can then move the plant to a more permanent location in your home. These plants do not enjoy direct sunlight or being near sources of heat like fire places or heaters. The heat results in rapid blooming which might sound great at first but this also shortens the lifespan of the plant. The best room for this plant, once the green shoots have appeared, is one that is slightly warmer with temperatures ranging from 15 to 21 degrees Celsius. They enjoy a bit more light but not direct sun.

Potting soil

Sandy soil is the top choice for daffodils. If you have purchased the potted plant from a nursery or florist, it should already come in the ideal soil. Sandy soil allows for excellent water drainage which prevents root rot. It also makes it easy for the roots to grow without much resistance from the surrounding soil.

Watering schedule

Your potted daffodil should only be watered when you see the soil drying out. Pour about a quarter of a cup of water over the soil and allow it to filter through. Wait a few seconds and if you do not see any water coming out the bottom, you can add a little bit more. When the water starts to seep through, stop adding water. Monitor the soil on a daily basis to determine when the plant will need to be watered again. In warmer months more frequent watering is required for obvious reasons.

More tips

While these flowers are beautiful, it’s important to remember that they do contain toxic properties. If you have young children or pets, be careful not to let them near this potted beauty. When handling your daffodils, you should also wear gloves because they are known for causing skin irritations.