Important tips for gardening with pets

If you are a pet owner, you want to make sure that your home and garden are safe for you and them. Animals are sensitive to different plant and soil properties than people. Which is why you should keep these gardening tips in mind if you want to create a beautiful and safe place for everyone.

Choosing fertilizer

Fertilizer is great for helping various plants grow. Successful gardening often requires a little nudge and extra nutrients to encourage growth as well as fruit and flower production. Unfortunately, if your dog consumes fertilizer, it can do a number on their stomach. Not to say that you can’t still use fertilizer. However, you want to make sure that your dog does not have access to these areas of your garden.


Mulch is excellent for protecting your plants and it looks great too. Cocoa bean mulch smells amazing but it is known to contain theobromine. This is toxic for dogs and, if ingested, it can result in muscle tremors and vomiting. Instead, you should ask your local gardening expert for mulch that will not prove harmful to pets.


If you leave your gardening tools out and about, your fluffy friend could injure themselves on the sharp edges. This is why it is so important to clean as you work and always pack your tools away as soon as you have completed each chore. The same goes for dead or dying plants. Even if they are not toxic, it’s never a good idea to leave a mess that could impact the well-being of your pets.


An essential part of successful gardening is research. Just as you need to find out what the plants need, so too will you need to find out if any plants are dangerous. If you love the idea of certain plants but they are not dog friendly, you can always build a fence around these plants to keep Fido out.

By keeping these gardening tips in mind, you can safely fill your garden with the most beautiful plants and flowers without worrying about your precious pets. It’s also worth mentioning that you should take extra special care whenever selecting insecticides and make sure that they will not affect your pets or wildlife.