Fabulous flowers for small spaces

Choosing the perfect fresh flowers can be tricky on its own without the additional concern of decorating a particularly small space. When you have very little space to work with, it can feel extremely challenging to decorate without cluttering the area. If you live in a small home or apartment, you will be all too familiar with this challenge. The same can be said for compact offices and work spaces. Flowers need to be arranged so that they add value to the room without completely taking over.

Thankfully, there are a number of ways to use flowers in small spaces without sacrificing too much, or even any, space. Fresh flowers can be displayed in a number of ways and you can choose how many stems you need. Bud arrangements are popular in tight spaces because they consist of a single flower in a slender vase. When you place this single stem in just the right place, it will give that room a touch of class without taking up an excessive amount of space. You can even use three flowers and a touch of foliage if your space allows for it. The idea is to consider the size of the flowers and the vase. Take note of where you plan on displaying your flowers before choosing the size of the arrangement. Remember, the larger the bouquet, the larger the vase will need to be and the more table space it will occupy.

Regarding flower sizes, you can also opt for smaller flowers rather than large one. Larger flowers, like sunflowers for example, will take up more space than roses. Not only are the flowers larger but their stems are also thicker which means that they need a larger vase to hold them. The same can be said for hydrangeas. These flowers are actually small but they come in the form of large clusters on a thick stem which also gives them a bulky appearance. Baby’s breath is often used as a filler flower but if you take a bunch and place them in a small vase, they can create a subtle yet elegant display all on their own. The key is to break away from traditional limitations and allow your imagination to lead the way.

Dwarf flowers or miniature versions of our favourite blooms are also fantastic options. Carnations are an excellent example. You can use dwarf or spray carnations to create a superb flower arrangement and set it on a small table in your entrance hall or even in your bathroom. These flowers last wonderfully long and they are available in a wide variety of colours.

If you want something that will last longer than your average cut flower, then what about potted plants? Plants can be purchased at various stages of their life cycle which means that you can by smaller, younger plants to display in small spaces. Just make sure that the light, heat, and humidity of that area suits the needs of the plant. Eventually the plant will need to be transferred to another, larger pot and you may need to move it to another part of your home. At this point you can invest in a new baby plant. If you are looking for a plant that won’t grow too fast, look for cacti or succulents. Not only do they grow at a slow, steady pace, but they also require minimal care and there are many varieties that also produce flowers. If you have children or pets, you might want to avoid varieties with sharp spikes.

With all of these great ideas, there’s no reason to leave even the smallest part of your home undecorated! Add flowers or plants to these small spaces and watch the room come to life!